Do you have COVID-19?

Consider joining a clinical trial.

COVID-19 is an ongoing global pandemic with very limited treatment options. MERCK is working with Carbon Health to investigate possible treatment options.

I’m interested in participating

Carbon Health is seeking participants in a clinical trial investigating an oral (taken by mouth) medication for adults who have COVID-19 and are not in the hospital.

Interested in participating? Please provide your contact information and a clinician will be in touch. Reimbursement for travel and expenses will be provided.

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Study Eligibility


To take part in this trial (MK-4482-002), you must be 18 years or older and:

  • Test positive for COVID-19 in the last 5 days
  • Have not received a COVID-19 vaccine
  •  Currently have at least one symptom of COVID-19
  • Have the ability to travel to Carbon Health’s North Hollywood clinic or allow Home Care services

The study doctor or staff will discuss additional requirements with you. You do not need to have medical insurance to join the study.

Sign up to speak to a clinician

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Interested in signing up for the waitlist?


What To Expect

Study participants will attend up to 9 visits for the first 29 days and receive a follow-up phone call 7 months later. They will also need to complete a symptom diary every day for 29 days.

Study Phase Overview

Screening Phase (Up to 48 hours)

To ensure participants qualify, we may do:

  • A Physical Exam
  • An intake of medical history
  • Blood tests

Treatment Phase (29 Days)

If they qualify and agree to take part, study participants will be put into a group by chance to get either the antiviral study drug or placebo. A placebo looks like the study drug but does not contain any active medicine.

Regardless of whether a patient receives the placebo or the antiviral study drug, a provider will monitor each patient with regular visits during their COVID-19 course at no cost to the patient.

Participants will:

  • Take study treatment twice a day for 5 days
  • Have blood tests
  • Have swab tests of nose and/or throat
  • Have Physical Exams
  • Keep diaries of taking study drug and symptoms

During the 29 days in the study, the participant may have some of the following tests:

  • Blood Pressure
  • Checkup
  • Weight
  • Respiratory Rate
  • Blood Test
  • Heart Rate
  • Temperature
  • Nasal/Throat Swab

Follow-up Phase (After about 6 months)

We'll schedule a virtual call about 6 months after the Treatment Phase to provide the study doctor or a member of the study staff with updates on how participants are feeling.

Study Focus

The MK-4482-002 study will test the safety and effectiveness of an investigational antiviral study drug which may reduce symptoms and recovery time for people who tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 5 days. This clinical study will help researchers learn whether the study drug:

  • Is Safe
  • Decreases symptoms and how well it controls the COVID-19 infection
  • Is handled well by the body

Study Participation

This trial is being sponsored by Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc. (“MERCK”). Taking part in this study is voluntary and the participant may stop at any time for any reason. In addition, there is no cost for the study drug or study-related care, tests and exams. Reimbursement for travel and expenses will be provided.

Clinical Trial FAQs

Choosing to take part in a clinical trial, also known as a research study, is a personal decision. It is important to learn all about it before you decide.

These frequently asked questions give information that may be helpful as you consider taking part in a clinical trial.

Learn more

Date of your most recent COVID-19 test swab?
Date of the onset of your COVID-19 symptom(s)?
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